Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Photo-Manipulation Development

I found photomanipulation pretty fun and unsettling because you can almost make things look real.

Some of the elements I made more subtle than others.

The flesh melding together I find pretty uncomfortable as it's so subtle you almost wouldn't notice it unless you looked for it. It definitely unsettled everyone I knew.

Some of these were difficult to make as it was hard to gage how weird was too weird? I didn't want to overload the weird I kind of wanted it to subtly seep in, however it ended up just getting pretty weird.

I said to a friend "what if I drew over it so the vagina was like... a drawing" and she replied "no, it would be too much like the 'take on me' video", so that's exactly what I went for, and I selected the 80's themed set for it. I love it. It's one of the less offensive spreads I have made for this project. 

These subvert the male gaze by defying male expectations. Sometimes in a more covert way. The image doesn't have to be horrifying to disrupt the gaze, it just has to go against what a male audience would expect from the image. 

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