Thursday 22 October 2015

Initial Sketchbook stuff

This is the initial sketchy stuff I did trying to figure out what I wanted to do and themes for this project.

I liked the idea of doing something about representations of women again. I was wondering about nudity and how female nudity is kind of banned but the same flesh on a man is okay. I collected some images, a poster from around college with a bare chest on it. I also drew from a poster around Leeds that showed a topless man - the same image of a woman would be deemed obscene, I drew a scene from a music video that was kind of artsy and had a female dancer partially nude but only showed some tasteful sideboob in the video. NO NIPPLES.

This got me thinking about how normal things about the female body such as hair, nipples, menstruation etc. are sort of demonised in a way.

I did silly sketches of these sorts of things, reverse censoring was one of my favourite ideas. Drawing tampons and stuff was pretty fun too as even women react somewhat squeamishly to imagery relating to periods.

A lot of ideas rattling round in here but I'm not really finding something solid I want to do for this essay.

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